> 春节2024 > 你爸妈都多大年龄英文




How can we say \"When are your father\'s and mother\'s birthdays?\" in English?

In English, we can ask someone about their parents\' birthdays by using the question: \"When are your father\'s and mother\'s birthdays?\" It is a polite way to inquire about the specific dates on which their parents celebrate their birthdays. Birthdays are important milestones in a person\'s life and it\'s always nice to remember and acknowledge them.


家长: the parent or guardian of a child.

In English, we refer to parents as \"the parent or guardian of a child.\" They play a crucial role in raising and nurturing their children, providing them with love, support, and guidance. Parents have the responsibility to care for their children and ensure their well-being. It is important to have open communication and a strong bond between parents and their children to foster a healthy and positive family dynamic.


爸爸 father 妈妈 mother 父母 parents

In English, we write \"爸爸\" as father, \"妈妈\" as mother, and \"父母\" as parents. These terms represent the roles and relationships within a family. Fathers and mothers are the primary caretakers and providers for their children, and their roles are important for the overall well-being and upbringing of their children. The term \"parents\" encompasses both the father and the mother, representing the collective responsibility and love they have for their children.

cousin brother sister_沪江网校知识库

同学好: brother 和 sister 指的是家人,即和自己同父母的兄弟姐妹。 cousin 指“堂兄弟姐妹;表兄弟姐妹”,是叔叔、伯伯、舅舅、姑姑、阿姨家的子女。

Hello classmates! In English, \"brother\" and \"sister\" refer to siblings who share the same parents. They are the close family members who grow up together and often have a strong bond. On the other hand, \"cousin\" refers to relatives who are the children of one\'s uncles, aunts, or other extended family members. They are still considered family, but the relationship is not as close as that between siblings. Cousins can be a part of our support system and play an important role in our lives.


父母: Parents

父母-名词:parents. 父母-双亲:father and mother. 父母 are an integral part of a person\'s life, providing love, guidance, and support. Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children\'s values, beliefs, and overall development. The term \"parents\" is a collective noun used to refer to both the father and the mother. They are responsible for their children\'s upbringing and have a significant impact on their lives.


Do you have any family members?

In English, we can use the question \"Do you have any family members?\" to inquire about a person\'s relatives. Family is an important aspect of our lives as they provide us with love, support, and a sense of belonging. It\'s always nice to have a close-knit family that we can rely on and share our joys and sorrows with. Family can include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


Convention refers to established practices or customs that are widely accepted and followed by a society or a group of people. It represents the norms and rules that govern social behavior. Conventions are like unwritten agreements that guide human interactions and set expectations for individuals.

On the other hand, tradition refers to cultural beliefs, customs, and rituals passed down from one generation to another. Traditions can vary across different cultures and societies and often have historical or religious significance. They play a crucial role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

In summary, conventions are social norms and agreements, while traditions are cultural practices and customs.


My parents and I

In English, we can use the phrase \"My parents and I\" to express the relationship between oneself and their parents. It highlights the bond and connection between a person and their parents. Parents are an important part of our lives, and they shape us into the individuals we become. It is essential to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship with our parents and appreciate the love and support they provide.


To refer to all your family members, including parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and siblings, you can use the term \"family.\" For example, you can say \"My family includes my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and siblings.\" The term \"family\" is a broad and inclusive word that encompasses all the close relatives and loved ones in one\'s life.


Just like when they used to hold your hand, I kindly request all of you to help me translate the above sentences into English.

When you were young, your parents taught you how to dress, tie shoelaces, and fasten buttons. They taught you how to wash your face, comb your hair, and imparted valuable life lessons to you. Do you remember asking them where you came from? Your parents play a significant role in your upbringing and growth, and it is important to cherish and acknowledge their efforts.